Friday, November 12, 2010

Now with all things I am blessed

You are the poem I dreamed of writing, the masterpiece I longed to paint.
You are the shining star I reached for in my ever-hopeful quest for life fulfilled.
You are my child. Now with all things I am blessed.

Basic White cake, Bertha's Coconut Cake, and Divinity Fudge

This recipe was in Granny's recipe box. Looks like a basic cake recipe she used often.  She loved Swans Down cake flour.

This was a common frosting for a special cake.

This is the frosting that everyone loves! Aunt Bertha always sprinkled coconut on top of the frosting between 3 layers, top and sides.... Don't try to make this frosting on a humid day or in a humid hot kitchen. The humidity will not let it become fluffy!

This is the candy everybody loves. Best results are going to come in dry non humid conditions. Also it's a good idea to have all of your ingredients ready to add. It is delicious with chopped pecans. Maraschino cherries chopped are good also. If you add cherries just be sure to drain them for about 30 min. before you make the candy. 
Spinning a thread refers to the hardball stage. If you are using a candy themometer, let the mixture cook until it gets to hardball stage which is 260 degrees. Another way to test if you don't have a themometer is to drop the hot syrup into a glass of water and if it sinks to the bottom of the glass it's hardball stage. 

My Niece Brooke is 12 Today!!!!

Happy Birthday Brooke! I can't believe you are 12:) I hope you have fun with your friends tonight. Watch out for payback from Colton!

I am posting some pictures of your happy little face that are some of my favorites!

This was taken when you were born in Flower's Hospital.
Your Dad with your Granny and Great Grandmother Momma Peacock. We were all so happy when you finally came! You were a beautiful baby.

This is a picture of Brooke and her Poo Blanket. Poo was her constant companion. He had to be with her at all times.  I think he still is!

Sharing Poo with Colton:)
We like to watch movies. One day we were watching Babe. I thought Brooke would like it because she has always loved animals. All of a sudden Brooke started sobbing really hard. She said she was crying because Babe was lost. I turned the movie off! :)
Brooke, Poo and....... Is that Donald Duck?

In Grandpa's Lap eating Cheez Its with Gracie.

Playing and Singing Jesus Loves Me!.....

Presenting.......THE FACES OF BROOKE


                  Having punch with Gracie during Baby Shower for Cicely.
During the background are Brooke's Granny, Aunt Kim's back, cousin Whitney, cousin Calee, great grandmother Momma Peacock, Aunt Mary, Cicely opening presents, Brooke and Colton.

Home from School Sick with Colton!

That Book Looks Serious!

Halloween Party 2005

Cousin "It" Is Here!

Jasmine, Count Dracula and The Little Mermaid.

With Isa during a party!

Dressing Stephanie!

"You're kidding....."
Brooke, her dad and baby King Louie:)