Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Divinity Fudge... More details from Momma!

I am thinking about trying the divinity fudge recipe for the holidays. I compared the recipe I posted on the 12th for Divinity Fudge and Momma's recipe and I found differences. The ingredients are a little different and there is more information about the cooking process...but still not enough so I called Momma and she gave me more information. I will try to record that here to share with you.

Measure and assemble all of the ingredients before you start. You will need Medium size boiler, candy themometer, or glass of cold water, wax paper, mixing bowl with electric mixer on stand.

Divinity Fudge
2 1/2 cups sugar
1/2 cup (Karo brand) white corn syrup
2 egg whites
1/8 tsp. salt
2/3 cup water
1 1/2 cup nuts
1 tablespoon vanilla

Cook over medium heat sugar, syrup, salt and water until it forms a soft ball when dropped in cold water or 240 degrees on candy themometer. Pour half of the mixture into a heat safe bowl or large measuring cup is best. Then return the remaining syrup back to the burner and continue to cook until it reaches hard ball stage or 260 degrees. Stir this occasionally but you do not have to stir constantly.

While the syrup is cooking put the egg whites in mixing bowl and beat until they form stiff peeks. (Tip from Momma: Time this so your beaten egg whites do not sit more than 3 -4 min. before adding the 1st syrup. They will deflate if they sit anylonger.)  Take the syrup you cooked to softball stage and with the mixer running slowly add the syrup. (Tip: pour the syrup in as close to the edge of the bowl as possible) By this time the hardball stage syrup should be ready. Remove from heat and slowly add this to the egg whites with softball stage syrup added. Beat until the mixture thickens and becomes heavy.

This is important.....add the pecans by folding them in. Do not add the pecans while the mixer is running. The mixer will beat the pecans and cause the oil to flatten your divinity.....so fold in and then drop by small spoonfuls onto wax paper.

If you like Maraschino cherries drain them for at least an hour before adding. Chop the cherries and fold them in by hand.

O.K. I am going to try this when it stops raining.  :  -)  Remember no humidity, or hot kitchen. Best to do this when you are not cooking other things.

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