Tuesday, November 9, 2010

God's will in our lives.......

The Birthday Boys!....Hudson on the right was 1 yr. old Nov. 6 and Holland is 2 today, Nov. 9.

These boys have quite a story to tell already! Holland was born premature and stayed in Children's Hospital in Birmingham until Christmas Eve of 2008. We were so happy he made it home for Christmas.
A year later, Hudson, with great care, was born a full term baby. Soon after his birth there were complications and he was taken to Children's hospital in Birmingham. The doctors told his Mom and Dad, Amber and Justin, there was only one hope to save Hudson's life and of course they agreeded to the procedure. I won't attempt to explain it. But I will tell you a story.......

Justin and Amber had just agreed to the medical procedure and came back and sat down in the waiting area of the intensive care at Children's Hospital, where Justin's mother and I were. One of the Chaplins of the Hospital came over and sat down next to Justin. He had some stones in his hand that had words like wisdom, strength, understanding etc. on them. The Chaplin held out his hand and asked Justin to choose one of those rocks that represent what he would like to pray for. Justin looked at the rocks and thought for a minute and said,  "Well Preacher if it's all the same to you I won't do that." You could see the Chaplin squirm a little. Justin continued, "You see I've found that when you pray for something the Lord puts it in your path to need those things. So if it's all the same to you I had rather just pray for God's Will in my son's life."  The Chaplin was overjoyed to hear that and we prayed..........  There's a lesson there for all of us.

Amber, my niece and Justin, her husband, are two of the most courageous people I have ever known. I am so proud to have you in our lives. We love you all very much.

Holland left, Amber and Hudson right

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