Monday, December 13, 2010

Roasted Peanuts

I always have raw shelled peanuts in the freezer. Daddy was always bringing home a gallon bag from the peanut mill in the fall when he was working there on a dryer or elevator. I roasted some peanuts yesterday for the first time in a very long time. Here's how Momma taught me to do it.

For the peanut brittle.  Place a layer of peanuts in a jelly roll pan and cook at 350 for 4 min. Just long enough to heat them up and make the husk pop. Let them cool. Take peanuts in your hands and rub the peanuts together, between your hands....this is to rub husk off the nuts. Take the jelly roll pan and a bowl outside in the wind. The wind will blow the husk away. Pour peanuts from pan to bowl allowing wind to blow husk away. If you find no wind get someone to help you and have them help you blow the husk away as you slowly pour the nuts from the jelly roll pan to the bowl and back from bowl to pan. Keep repeating until most of the husk are removed.

To have fully cooked roasted peanuts cook at 350 for 12 min. stir halfway through. I use a heavy dark jelly roll pan. You can use cast iron too. Any heavy metal pan will work. You can remove some of the husk after the peanuts have cooled. Use the method I described above.

Usually raw peanuts are refrigerated or frozen in the grocery. Ask your grocer they are probably in the frozen food section.

If you have raw peanuts in the shell wash and completely dry. Then roast 350 for 12 to 15 min. Stir after 6 min. Break one open at 12 min and test for desired roast flavor. Remove from oven and pour into a bowl to cool. The nuts continue to cook for about 5 min. after being removed from the oven.

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