This is another great uncle and great aunt. Uncle Burt and Aunt Ivey Lott. They had four daughters, Sandra, Myra, Nelda and Linda. Aunt Ivey was a very strong person, that everyone in the community admired very much. I will have many more stories to share with you about her life.
Momma Peacock and Aunt Ivey center visiting during Aunt Shirley and Uncle David's 50th anniversary. Linda, Aunt Ivey's daughter is on the right. I am not sure who the lady is on the left. A friend of Aunt Shirley's I think.
Yesterday was the first day of the winter season. I hated to see fall go. I enjoyed every minute of it. I was able to spend time in North Ga. in the mountains, and at the farm with Momma and the horses and the kids, and on the beach at home in Destin. I am so blessed to have had those opprotunities. I am also blessed to have had a life filled with many many wonderful people. As I research my extended family further I can see why my grand parents and great parents had the strong drive and discipline that we all saw in them. There parents and grandparents before them set the example. Most of them were strong christians that lived their lives by faith. They were pioneers in South Alabama, Georgia, and North Carolina. They looked to the heavens and prayed for God's blessings,and they recieved them. Their dreams of living in a free country made them determined to succeed. But it was faith in God that carried them through one of the worst wars in history. Tens of thousands died. Wifes were left with children to raise with their homes destroyed, their livestock raided and their towns burned. They were left with nothing but their faith. There is a story I will share with you later about my Dad's paternal, Great Grandmother's father. He was too old to go to war April 12, 1861. He ran a general store in Abbeville, Al. After the war he found himself with a house full of widows and children. His sons died, and his son in laws died. But he held on to his faith and joined in with the community to build back and over come the death and oppression the civil war had brought to all of them. Mother's family was living in the same area of the state during the civil war. Both families, Holland and Peacock, have similar stories, of living in North Carolina in the early 1700's and then Middle and North Gerogia in the early 1800's and then moving into South Alabama in the mid 1800's. I am amazed with all of the stories and information I am finding. I have a copy of a book titled, The Children of Levi Peacock, that has given me alot of information and is pointing me in the right direction to gather more. I also have some new Holland family information. I am sure there is much more in Henry and Pike Counties. I have to find the time to go there to research. The Sims and Lott families may be a little more complicated to find information on. I haven't found the extensive geneology research that I have found on the Hollands and Peacocks. But I am sure it is there just waiting for us!
Henry Sims, my great grandfather with my brothers, Greg on the pony, Steve left and Keith front. This was taken in Ruskin in Henry's barn yard. Around 1966.
The lady on the left on the 50th anniversary picture is Myrtie Anderson who goes to Union Hill Baptist church. She is a very sweet lady.