Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Holland Gravesites Mount Enon and Ramer Church

I am working on Holland Genealogy again and pictures.......

List of all of the children of Morgan Holland.  The picture below was taken the day of Morgan's funeral Jan. 25, 1941. 70 years ago yesterday. Jessie and Riley were the only children deceased at the time of his death.
Riley Holland
Jessie Holland
Lucius Holland
Lome Holland
Lena Mae Holland
Bertha Holland
Ernest Holland
Orea Holland
Elmire Holland
Hubert Holland
Ruby Holland
Ruth Holland
Louise Holland
Naomi Holland

Left to Right
Lucius, Ernest, Hubert holding Doyle, Elmire, Louise and her husband, Bertha, Ruby, Lena Mae, Ruth holding Charles and her huband Ray Thurmon holding Faye, Luverne, Lome and her children and husband.

Ruth Holland Thurman Aunt Ruth is buried in Geneva County. I need to take mother to help me find her gravesite. Faye was Aunt Ruth's only daughter and she passed away the spring of 2011.

                                                        Aunt Naomi is buried in Big Creek.

Louise was burried in New York State close to her home in Buffalo.
Bertha Holland
Ruby Lee Holland

Aunt Ruby and Aunt Bertha's graves are under an oak tree and they are covered with acorns and sticks. The day we were there the wind chill was about 10 so we didn't stay long. I am going back soon to get that moss off the stone and pick up the sticks and take some flowers for all of them.

Uncle Elmire and one of his friends.

Elmire Holland

Uncle Elmire and Aunt Verbie

Left to Right back row
Ernest, Elmire, Hubert and Orea
Front Granny and Aunt Bertha and my Dad.
Uncle Orea

Grandpa and Granny

The picture of Granny and Grandpa was taken in 1958. The one of Grandpa above I am guessing in the mid to late 40's.

This is Morgan and Emma Holland's graves in Ramer Church Cemetery State Line Road Cottonwood, Al. They were my paternal great grandparents, my Dad's Grandparents.

Morgan and Emma Holland


1 comment:

  1. Howdy! I am Jared from Cottonwood Al. I guess you could say that I am trying to do a little family research. Lucius Holland was my great grandmother's (Linnie Holland Halstead)daddy. Linnie married Harley Halstead Sr. and had 6 children. The oldest of her children, James LeaDon Halsead was my mothers daddy. I don't mean to be nosy but who exactly are you kin to?
