Tuesday, September 13, 2011

English Album #3 Allie B.'s Siblings and their children.

Hello English Cousins. I am posting the pictures again. More to come.......

Alma Viola English left and her sister Ruby English right. Their names are on the back of photo. We don't know the date of photo but we are guessing early 20's. Alma Viola was born in 1907 and Ruby in 1910.

Effie Mae English Foxworth, died age 20 and left behind two beautiful twin girls and one little boy. I don't have much information about them and This is the only picture I have of her. I have met her grandaugther and hope to gather together some more pictures from Jesse and Shirley.

Anderson English

Sisters and Brother left to right: Allie B. English Sims, Anderson English , Alma Viola English Watford and Rosa Lee English Childree behind Anderson.

I am going to insert pictures by family and label each as I know them. If I make a mistake please tell me.

Alma Viola married Joseph Watford in Madrid, Alabama. The following are pictures of their children.
James Watford above and below.

School Day pictures of James Watford

Fran Watford daughter of Alma Viola and Joseph Watford. The following are elementary school and high school pictures.

Elementary school pictures of Joe Frank Watford. Sweet Smile!

I am going to post Anderson's family pictures that I found in Granny's box
Baby picture of Allie B.'s brother Anderson English

Anderson and Gladys

Anderson and Gladys outside Allie B.'s house sometime during WWII.

Anderson and Gladys

Anderson, my Daddy Doyle Holland, Betty Jean Sims, and Gladys. This picture was taken outside Allie B. and Henry's house on Sonny Mixon Road in Madrid, Alabama.

Anderson WWII

Anderson in the Phillipines.

Anderson and Carolyn

Left to right: Floyd Watford, Anderson English and Harold Burch.

Carolyn English

 Carolyn English

Carolyn English

Carolyn English


Gladys and her Sister (Jesse help me with the name...)

Sue English Ramsayer
Sue English

Jesse English

We think this is Anderson's children, Jesse English and Sue English in the hat.

Carolyn I think.....?

Gladys and her sister

Right to Left: Gladys, Carolyn, Sue and Jesse.
I think Jesse said this was at their house in Flamingo Hills.

Tullie and Rosa Lee English Childree. Uncle Tullie was so handsome. I remember him as a kind and gentle man. He and Aunt Rosa Lee came to visit Granny often. They had 3 children, Bill, Merry Nell and Kenneth. 
Rosa Lee born in 1915, was 4 years old when her mother, Lula died in 1919 during child birth. Her older sisters helped their father, Jesse English raise her, until his death in 1926. At the time of Jesse's death he and Rosa Lee and Anderson lived with Allie B. and Henry and their children in Rehobeth, Alabama.
Aunt Rosa Lee grew up more like a sister to my Granny, Luvern and Aunt Louise. I remember asking Granny why she called her Aunt Rosa Lee. She was almost the same age as Granny. She answered, "Because she is my aunt, Katie."

Rosa Lee English

Rosa Lee English Childree

Bill Childree was Aunt Rosa Lee's oldest child.

Merry Nell Childree

Merry Nell

Merry Nell

Rosa Lee and baby. Not sure which one.

Rosa Lee, Merry Nell and Tullie Childree in the driveway at Granny's house on Cottonwood Highway. 

I am not sure if this is Merry Nell, it may be Sue or Carolyn!  Help Jesse and Sue!

Tullie at Blue Springs 

Merry Nell Childree

Interesting picture! The lady and little girl are Aunt Rosa Lee and Merry Nell, probably same time as the previous picture. The lady posing with the hand behind her head is Aunt Eunice.

Rosa Lee and Kenneth her youngest son.

Newspaper clipping Granny Saved about Kenneth


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