Sunday, April 21, 2013

2013 Holland Family Reunion

Hello Holland family. The last Sunday in April is the Sunday for the annual Holland Family Reunion. We have the park pavilion from 11-4 Westgate Park in Dothan. The pavilion is on Whatley Drive off of Honeysuckle. I will post a sign saying Holland. We have the pavillion reserved for the entire day on Sunday. Come and bring a comfortable chair if you want one.

Lena Mae Holland standing back left and Jesse Holland standing back right. Front row left to rigt Naomi Holland, Oree Holland, Hubert Holland and Bertha Holland in Madrid, Alabama.

I am making calls and if you have time to make one call and bring someone with you that will be great. Since most everyone goes to church and has commitments let's plan to have lunch around 1:00 and stay as long as we want. We have a lot to catch up on. This is a previous post on this blog that has pictures and family information. I have not spent much time on research lately. I will bring the documents I have and if you have any bring yours. Can't wait to see everybody!

The is a picture of Aunt Bertha and my brother Steve Holland taken during a family Reunion in the early 1970's.  We were at Uncle Lucius' house near Chipley. I loved having the reunions at the homes of all of the Aunts and Uncles. They were actually my great Aunts and Uncles. Elmire, Oree, Ernest, Lucius, Naomi, Lena Mae, Ruth,and Ruby and Bertha. There were two more sisters, Lome and Louise. Lome passed away before I had any memory of her. Louise I remember but she lived near Buffalo, New York so I never was able to get to know her. She and Aunt Ruby looked so much alike they could have been twins. They were very beautiful.
I loved Aunt Ruby very much. A visit to see her and Aunt Bertha was always a big happy event! When I was a little girl they lived in a big old house in Downtown Dothan. Aunt Bertha was a great cook, and she loved to see us eat! I plan to have Aunt Bertha's fresh coconut cake made for the reunion.
Morgan and Emma McInnis Holland
Lena Mae standing back row left Jesse right
second row Naomi left Oree, Hubert and Bertha right

Ruby Holland left and Louise Holland right

These are some current pictures of my nieces and nephew and my great niece and nephews. Hope we see you Sunday the 28th between 11 and 4 Westgate Park Pavilion on Whatley Drive in Dothan.

Henley our youngest cowgirl working in the mulch
Clayton left and Michel Bass right- Keith Holland's grandson's
Gracie Holland and Henley Smith riding horse
Hudson Smith Greg's youngest grandson.
Doyle Holland Smith in his ball uniform.
Greg's girls

Brook and Gracie Holland Steve's daughters 
Brook Morgan Holland, Steve's oldest daughter named after her Great Great Grandfather Morgan Holland


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